Grant Guidelines

Research Grants

DRWF accepts research applications related to finding the cause, prevention, treatment, and cure of diabetes and its complications. The maximum support of these grants is up to $50,000 per year for up to 2 years. If the proposed research is within an area of primary interest and is judged as having high scientific merit by the Foundation’s advisors, the Board of Directors may make special grant awards that exceed the stated maximum. Currently, the Foundation’s area of primary interest and focus are islet cell transplantation, macrovascular disease & neuropathy. All other research proposals will not be reviewed.

Research proposals are evaluated along the following parameters:

  • Relevance to the DRWF mission
  • Scientific merit
  • Qualifications and experience of the investigators

Human subjects participating in research supported by DRWF must give their prior legally acceptable and informed consent.

A blank copy of the consent form used should accompany the application. The care and treatment of human and animal subjects should be in compliance with NIH guidelines.

A written progress report describing the accomplishments and or findings of the project is due 3 months after completion of the project or 1 year after the receipt of funds, whichever comes first.

Publications and presentations resulting from research funded in whole or in part by DRWF shall contain this acknowledgment: "Supported by a grant from Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation." A reprint of any article or publication carrying this acknowledgment shall be provided to DRWF.

Program Grants

DRWF awards a limited number of program grants, the amount of which is based on available funds. The program must be educational or community health oriented, and targeted to people with diabetes or health professionals working in the field of diabetes.


All  proposals submitted to DRWF must be prepared as outlined below.  You are welcome to submit your proposals via email

Application Cover Sheet

The cover sheet form is included with these guidelines. Complete the fillable form then print it out. Please be aware that signatures are required in three places.

Grant Application Cover Sheet Abstract

 An abstract summarizing the purpose of the research and typed single-space using an 12 point font. Not to exceed one page in length.

Project Narrative

Typed single-space using an 12 point font and not to exceed 8 pages.  The 8 pages include the following: Project Narrative, Specific Aims, Significance, Methodology & Timetable

Specific Aims

State the objectives of the proposed research and the hypothesis it is designed to test or the questions it is designed to answer. State the rationale for your approach to the research question or hypothesis.


Summarize the existing background information and current status of research related to this proposal. Include relevant references.

Methodology and Timetable

Describe the study design, study sample, study site, research instruments, and the variables you will test of identify. Describe how you will collect and analyze data and over what time period the study will be conducted.

Evidence of Institutional Review for Ethical Standards

Supply the evidence that the proposal has been approved by an ethical review board at the institution where the study will be conducted.

Budget Page

Provide a justification for all items in the budget. Describe supplies and equipment needed as well as other direct and indirect costs. For personal costs, list each individual, their role and responsibilities in the project, institutional base salary, percentage of effort on the project, salary request including cost of fringe benefits.  Indirect costs - DRWF accepts indirect costs less than 10% for each year.